Digitization of the Annual Reports for German History for the Years 1925 to 1938

Project Management: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin
Sponsors: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin
Running time: -
Contact person (TCDH): Dr Thomas Burch
Research Area: Software Systems and Research Infrastructure, Digital Edition and Lexicography
Keywords: Retro Digitization, Academy Project, TUSTEP
Website of the Project: Annual reports
The annual reports for German history stand in a long tradition of information and documentation for German and international history. From various perspectives, they offer an almost indispensable introduction to the German historiography of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. The aim of the cooperation with the TCDH was to make the volumes of the annual reports on German history for the years 1925 to 1938 available online to researchers and the interested public, with a significantly higher research-relevant added value compared to the printed volumes. For this purpose, the volumes were completely digitized in order to implement the following search options:
- Entries in the bibliographies can be searched for in the database and the associated registers (author, editor, etc .; title key; subject heading including person and place subject; series title; dissertation note; journal title);
- from the individual bibliographical titles you can branch to the respective research report; Using the table of contents, it is possible to search for the individual research reports by year;
- In the full text of the research reports any words can be searched for.
All volumes of the annual reports for German history each include a differentiated system for the bibliographies and the printed research reports. The literature discussed in the research reports is identified in the text with the serial number that the title uses in the bibliography, so that the exact bibliographical information can be determined at any time. In addition, all (except two) volumes have a subject index with the help of which the bibliographical part is always accessible and in some volumes the research part is also accessible. In total, the 13 volumes comprise around 32,600 bibliographical entries, around 7,100 pages of full text and around 130–150 pages of subject indexes.