Science Communication

Explaining Science

We Show the Making of Digital Humanities

Science today no longer requires scientific results alone. It is just as important to convey these results in a comprehensible manner and to make their development process visible.

One of the great challenges is to present and explain scientific content and technologies so clearly that the desired target group understands them. Science communication is dedicated to this challenge. Our goal is to test and use formats that mediate effectively between science and the wider public.

We Report on the Research Projects

We adapt the communication formats to the new forms of reception of the target groups and report on our interdisciplinary way of working at the interface between humanities and computer science. We deliberately present our work to the outside world via social media, exhibitions, columns, blogs or events in order to create an exchange between science, business and society. In addition, we host conferences, workshops, colloquia, lectures, summer schools and innovative events for knowledge transfer and discuss current research issues with international scientists.

There are countless examples of our work: