
20.03.2025 | General, Project News
Online Launch of the Stefan Heym Edition Ahasver
The digital edition of Stefan Heym’s novel Ahasver was officially launched at the end of March in Chemnitz.

14.03.2025 | General, Project News
Release of version 2.1 of the Correspondences of the Early Romantic Period
The new version 2.1 has been released and offers new content

23.01.2025 | General, Press Releases
Unsere Co-Direktorin Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet
Auf Vorschlag von Ministerpräsidentin a. D. Malu Dreyer hat Bundespräsident Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier die Trierer Professorin Dr. Claudine Moulin mit dem Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgezeichnet. Clemens Hoch, Minister für Wissenschaft und Gesundheit, überreichte, in Vertretung von Ministerpräsident Alexander Schweitzer, der Professorin für Ältere Deutsche Philologie im Rahmen einer Feierstunde die Auszeichnung. Ein besonderes Anliegen ist ihr die Vermittlung der Trierer Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte in die benachbarten Regionen und ihr Wirken für eine kulturelle Einheit über politische und administrative Grenzen hinweg, ein zutiefst „europäischer“ Gedanke.

20.12.2024 | General, Project News
Arthur Schnitzler Digital Presents One of the Author’s Most Brilliant Works: "Ich"
The goal of the online portal “Arthur Schnitzler Digital. Digital Historical-Critical Edition (Works 1905–1931)” is to make Arthur Schnitzler’s works and the history of their creation digitally accessible to the public and to researchers. This initiative is led by scholars from the University of Wuppertal in collaboration with international partners. The platform has now been expanded to include a new work.

12.12.2024 | General, Project News
Online Release of the Correspondence of the Natural Philosopher Henrik Steffens (1773–1845)
In October 2024, the digital archive of the correspondence of the natural philosopher Henrik Steffens was launched.

15.11.2024 | General, Project News
Seek and You Shall Find!
Just in time for Johann Caspar Lavater's birthday, the online edition Johann Caspar Lavater: Historical-Critical Edition of Selected Correspondences (JCLB) will be expanded with a sophisticated search module in its Version 3.0 on November 15, 2024. In addition to a simple full-text search, it will feature an Advanced Search option managed through a comprehensive search interface.

13.11.2024 | General, Academic exchange
CLS INFRA-Fellowship Report
Maria-Corina Dimitriu, from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași in Romania, recently completed a CLS INFRA Fellowship at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH). Following her fellowship, she wrote a report reflecting on her experiences and insights gained during her time there.

15.10.2024 | General, Project News
Release of version 1.2 of the Ferdinand Tönnies letter edition
The new version 1.2 of the Ferdinand Tönnies letter edition (FTBE) was released on October 15, 2024. Now 1725 letters are freely accessible, 554 of them transcribed and edited and 161 indexed.

26.09.2024 | General, Press Releases, Project News
Launch of the Ladin-German/German-Ladin Dictionary at the Museum Ladin
On September 24th, the online version of the Ladin-German/German-Ladin dictionary, edited by Giovanni Mischí, was officially presented, marking its digital premiere.

07.08.2024 | General, Project News
Dr. Joëlle Weis interviewed by SWR Kultur
Interview from August 7, 2024

24.07.2024 | General, Press Releases, Project News
What Did German Princesses Read in the 18th Century?
Which books did princesses in the German-speaking area own in the 18th century? What were their favorite reads? How did they document and receive their reading material? Together with the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities will explore these questions over the next twelve years in a research project.

15.07.2024 | General, Academic exchange
Text+ Partner Parade #05: The Trier Center for Digital Humanities
In the new blog series "Partner Parade: Who Does What in Text+?" we introduce ourselves in the fifth episode with an article by Anne Klee.

04.07.2024 | General, Press Releases, Project News, Academic exchange
Wikimedia Deutschland interviews ‘Mining and Modeling Text’
„Modeling the Enlightenment novel”

27.06.2024 | General, Project News
Article by Anne Klee "Vernetzungsstrategien zwischen Dialektwörterbüchern – am Beispiel des Trierer Wörterbuchnetzes."
Anne Klee has published an article "Vernetzungsstrategien zwischen Dialektwörterbüchern – am Beispiel des Trierer Wörterbuchnetzes" in the conference proceedings "Großlandschaftliche Dialektwörterbücher zwischen Linguistik und Landeskunde," edited by Antje Dammel and Markus Denkler.

16.05.2024 | General, Jobs
Stellenausschreibung als Sekretär*in (m/w/d) am TCDH
Wir suchen am Kompetenzzentrum zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine*n Sekretär*in. Bewerbungen können bis zum 28.05.2024 eingereicht werden.
01.05.2024 | General, Project News
C. F. Meyer: Digital Letter Edition
The digital C. F. Meyer letter edition now provides access to four volumes containing nearly 3,900 letters. Additionally, the digital edition offers a comprehensive overview of 383 life events related to C. F. Meyer and his work.

19.04.2024 | General
Carolingian manuscripts included in UNESCO's World Documentary Heritage
UNESCO acknowledges cross-border heritage from the time of Charlemagne

12.04.2024 | General, Project News
Wortgeschichte digital now in the dictionary network
Wortgeschichten from Wortgeschichte digital can now also be searched via the dictionary network

09.04.2024 | General, Project News
Version 2.1 of the Johann Caspar Lavater correspondence edition released
This research project is the first to reveal Johann Caspar Lavater's complete oeuvre of letters and its network structure in all its complexity and scope

08.04.2024 | General
Welcome to the team, Benjamin!
A few months ago, we welcomed PD Dr. Benjamin Gittel to our team. He completed his habilitation in General and Modern German Literary Studies at the University of Göttingen and most recently worked as a research assistant at the Department of German Philology at the University of Göttingen, as well as a co-project leader for two interdisciplinary research projects under the umbrella of "MONA – Modes of Narration and Attribution". At the TCDH, he is leading the project Modernity as Loss?. We are very happy about our new team member!