
13.11.2024 | General, Academic exchange
CLS INFRA-Fellowship Report
Maria-Corina Dimitriu, from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași in Romania, recently completed a CLS INFRA Fellowship at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH). Following her fellowship, she wrote a report reflecting on her experiences and insights gained during her time there.

15.07.2024 | General, Academic exchange
Text+ Partner Parade #05: The Trier Center for Digital Humanities
In the new blog series "Partner Parade: Who Does What in Text+?" we introduce ourselves in the fifth episode with an article by Anne Klee.

04.07.2024 | General, Press Releases, Project News, Academic exchange
Wikimedia Deutschland interviews ‘Mining and Modeling Text’
„Modeling the Enlightenment novel”

12.04.2024 | General, Academic exchange
Sammlung und Netz – Theoretische und Praxeologische Implikationen
An approach to networks and networks as a heuristic metaphor and methodological tool in collection research