The Scholarship Program at the TCDH


Promoting young researchers is one of our cornerstones, which is why TCDH awards long-term and short-term fellowships at irregular intervals. With our fellowship programs, we invite national and international scientists of different career stages to Trier to realize joint research projects and establish long-term collaborations.

Due to the Corona situation, research stays in Trier could not take place for two years. Since 2022 this possibility exists again!


In the spring of this year, we once again welcomed two fellows to the TCDH as part of the CSL INFRA Transnational Access Fellowship programme: Radim Hladík (Centre For Science, Technology, and Society Studies, Prague) and Byungjun Kim (김병준) (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea).


Funded by a long-term fellowship, it is now possible again in 2023 to support researchers in their research work over a period of one year. PD Dr. Rüdiger Singer will deepen his work in the project “Rhetoric of editorial cartoons” from 1.1.2023, in which he is researching ways of commenting on and evaluating cartoons from satirical magazines of the 19th century.

We also welcomed three CLS INFRA fellows to the TCDH in 2023 as part of the Transnational Access Fellowship programme. Lara Nugues (University of Basel) at the beginning of the year, Roxana Petras (University Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași, Romania) in summer and finally Richard Změlík (Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic) in fall 2023.


From 10/1/2022 - 12/31/2022 Henning Bovenkerk (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität) is a guest at the TCDH. He is researching within the project "Mining and Modeling Text (MiMoText)" on his project "Mining Consumption" - analysis of consumption and cultural appropriation of luxury and colonial goods in the mirror of the Münsterische Intelligenzblatt (1765-66, 1768-1849) using text mining.

This summer, Dr. Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter will be working on projects at TCDH from 07/01 – 09/30/2022, as well as Sofia Justham Bello (Somerville College Oxford) from 06/19 – 09/17/2022.


Short-Term Scholarships

We welcomed Ingo Frank, Carmen Brando, Roxana Patras and Keli Du for a two-month stay at the TCDH.


Long-Term Scholarships

As a long-term scholarship holder (12 months), Hanna McGaughey-Slane used the research stay in Trier.