E-mail: sofia.justhambello [at] some.ox.ac.uk
Office Hours: nach Vereinbarung
Sofia Justham Bello
scholarship holder
Sofia is a scholarship student at TCDH in the summer of 2022 and is studying German Studies at the University of Oxford (BA German, Somerville College: 2019-2023). As part of her year abroad in Germany (2021-22), she spent ten months working at a school in Kiel as an English and Spanish foreign language assistant. She will be working on various projects, such as the Goethe dictionary online.
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2019 studying German language and literature (BA German: Somerville College, University of Oxford). Since June 2022 intern at TCDH.
Scholarships and Awards
Margaret Kohl Prize (2020)
Barraclough Scholarship in Modern Languages (2021)
