E-mail: konstanciak [at] uni-trier.de
Phone: +49 651 201-3365
Fax: +49 651 201-3589
Room: DM 330
Office Hours: after appointment
Johanna Konstanciak
member of academic staff
Research assistant in HERMES (Humanities Education in Research, Data and Methods) in the sub-projects "Bring-your-own-data-Lab" and "Hermes-Hub". Here she is responsible for setting up and designing the central platform and the labs, in which data skills are taught using her own data sets, as well as for networking doctoral students and researchers.
Curriculum Vitae
2017 Bachelor of Arts degree in Ancient Oriental Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. As part of her studies, she spent time abroad at Bogazici University Istanbul from September 2014 to January 2015. Since October 2017, study of the Master of Science Digital Humanities at the University of Trier. She has been working as a student assistant at the Chair of Digital Humanities and at TCDH since 2018 and could now be taken on as a member of the academic staff in October 2021.
- Maria Hinzmann, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Julia Röttgermann, Christof Schöch, Moritz Steffes: SPARQL für (digitale) Geisteswissenschaftler:innen – Querying Wikidata und die MiMoTextBase. In: DHd2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture. 9. Tagung des Verbands “Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum” (DHd2023), hg. Anna Busch, Peer Trilcke. Belval/Trier, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7688632.
- Maria Hinzmann, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Julia Röttgermann, Christof Schöch, Moritz Steffes (2022). MiMoTextBase Tutorial. https://mimotext.github.io/MiMoTextBase_Tutorial/
- Röttgermann, Julia, Maria Hinzmann, Henning Gebhard, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Schöch, Christof, and Moritz Steffes. “Mining and Modeling Spaces and Places for Literary History as Linked Open Data.” In DH 2022 - Conference Abstracts, edited by Ikki Ohmukai and Taizo Yamada. Tokyo: DH2022 Local Organizing Committee, 2022. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6948236.
- Julia Röttgermann, Johanna Konstanciak: "Decoding Literary Signatures: Stylometric Insights into Authorship Attribution in 18th Century French Novels", Workhop on Potentials and Limits of Stylometry for Early Modern Text in Romance Language, organised by Joëlle Weis and Simon Dagenais, 11.10.2023, Universität Trier.
- Julia Röttgermann, Tinghui Duan, Johanna Konstanciak: "Introduction to LOD: Publishing and Querying Linked Open Data – Showcase MiMoText and Wikidata", Introduction to LOD: From Digital Scholarly Editions and Text Collections to the Web of Data, Department Wissen - Kultur - Transformation, Digitale Hermeneutik, Universität Rostock, 21.9.2023.
- Julia Röttgermann, Tinghui Duan, Maria Hinzmann, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Christof Schöch: "SPARQL for (Digital) Humanists – Querying Wikidata and the MiMoTextBase", Digital Humanities 2023, Graz University, Austria, 10 July 2023.
- Maria Hinzmann, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Julia Röttgermann, Christof Schöch, Moritz Steffes: SPARQL für (digitale) Geisteswissenschaftler:innen – Querying Wikidata und die MiMoTextBase, DHd 2023, Maison du Savoir, Esch-sur-Alzette, 13.03.2023.