Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022: Technologies, Models, Analyses, and Visualizations

6th International Conference, Amsterdam

data model for ‘narrative locations’ from NER (novels) and bibliographic data


04.02.2022 bis 05.02.2022


Regretfully we have to bow to the inevitable decision that the conference, which was envisioned as a hybrid event in Amsterdam at the Huygens Institute, will have to move fully online. Sadly, the situation in the Netherlands regarding Covid leaves us no other option.






The 6th international conference on Graphs and Networks in the Humanities will take place on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 February 2022 in Amsterdam at the Huygens Institute. The conference is co-organized by scholars from the Huygens Institute (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), the Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz, Vienna University, University of Leipzig, and the University Ca’ Foscari Venice.

As graph technologies (such as graph databases, graph querying languages, graph models, and graph editing environments) become more widely available, we are seeing an increase in humanities research that relies on them. Graphs and Network in the Humanities is a conference series meant to provide a platform to exchange methodological and technical knowledge about graphs and their application in the humanities.

The team of the TCDH is involved with a presentation: Maria Hinzmann, Julia Röttgermann, Anne Klee, Moritz Steffes and Christof Schöch: The French Enlightenment Novel as a Graph? Potentials and Challenges in the Construction of a Knowledge Network


Schlagworte: Dissemination und Community Building in den DH / Wissensaustausch