„Federated Queries for Literary Studies”
MiMoText-Vortrag im Rahmen der International Conference: Linked Open Data and Literary Studies

19.11.2024 bis 20.11.2024Ort:
Freie Universität Berlin
EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities"
Room 00.05
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
14195 Berlin
Für die Anmeldung wenden Sie sich bitte an: Lilly Welz, l.welz [at] fu-berlin.de (l[dot]welz[at]fu-berlin[dot]de)
Anmeldeschluss: 12. November 2024
Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung Ihren Namen, Ihren akademischen Grad und Ihre Institution an.
TagungDie internationale Konferenz »Linked Open Data and Literary Studies« bietet Wissenschaftler*innen eine Plattform für den Austausch von Erkenntnissen, Methoden und bewährten Verfahren zur Nutzung von LOD-Technologien in der Literaturwissenschaft.
Im Rahmen der Konferenz halten Dr. Maria Hinzmann und Julia Röttgermann vom MiMoText-Team einen Vortrag zu „Federated Queries for Literary Studies: Querying Wikidata via the MiMoTextBase and the other way around“.
Dienstag, 19. November
- 9:30 | Welcome
- 9:45 | Maria Hinzmann, Julia Röttgermann, Matthias Bremm, Tinghui Duan, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Christof Schöch, Joëlle Weis (University of Trier): Federated Queries for Literary Studies: Querying Wikidata via the MiMoTextBase and the Other Way Around
- 10:15 | Kata Dobás & Botond Szemes (HUN-REN RCH Institute for Literary Studies, Budapest): Wikidata and World Literature: Literary 'Memory' of the Visegrad Countries
- 10:45 | Short Break
- 11:00 | Danilo Penagos Jaramillo (University of Tübingen): Linked Open Data for a Data-Rich History of Hispanic American Literature
- 11:30 | Patricia García Sánchez-Migallón (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): The PhiloBiblon Project
- 12:00 | Lunch Break
- 13:30 | Jonah Lubin (Harvard University) & Marco Antonio Stranisci (University of Turin): From 'Leksikon' to LOD: A Pipeline for Converting Unstructured Bibliographical Data on Yiddish Writers to Linked Open Data
- 14:00 | Ondřej Vimr & Vojtěch Malínek (Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague): Building the European Literary Bibliography: Linked Open Data for Diverse and Multilingual Datasets
- 14:30 | Karin Schmidgall (German Literature Archive): Let’s Talk about Data Quality
- 15:00 | Break
- 15:30 | Johanna Hähner (Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe): The Reception of Postwar German Literature by the New Right: Exploring the Potential of Network Analysis and Linked Open Data
- 16:00 | Bojana Aćamović (Institute for Literature and Art, Belgrade): Linking the Metadata of Periodicals to Uncover Literary Networks
- 16:30 | Wrap-Up Day 1
Mittwoch, 20. November
- 09:45 | Aitana Bellido (Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona) & Marta Sangrà (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona): The Global Novel Decentered: Poetic Challenges and Cross-Border Literary Circulation
- 10:15 | Jan Horstmann, Immanuel Normann, Christian Lück (University of Münster): Intertextuality in the Semantic Web
- 10:45 | Short Break
- 11:00 | Franziska Pannach & Federico Pianzola (University of Groningen): The GOLEM Knowledge Graph: Modelling Fiction and Narrative Across Domains
- 11:30 | Bernhard Oberreither (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna): Text and Image Are the Same, or Close Enough at Least. Reflections on Expanding an Ontology for Intertextual Relations Towards Intermediality
- 12:00 | Lunch Break
- 13:30 | Ingo Börner & Peer Trilcke (University of Potsdam): Modeling Genre Dynamics
- 14:00 | Gregory Crane (Tufts University) & Sergiusz Kazmierski (University of Regensburg): Translations as Gateways Rather than Endpoints
- 14:30 | James Tauber (Boston): LOD of the Rings: Tolkien’s Sub-Creation as Linked Open Data
- 15:00 | Break
- 15:30 | Laura Untner (Freie Universität Berlin): From Myth to Metadata: Mapping Sappho’s Legacy Through Linked Data
- 16:00 | Moniek Kuijpers (University of Basel): Online Book Reviews and Other Reader Response Corpora: A Rich but Overlooked Data Source in the Study of Literature’s Global Dimensions?
- 16:30 | Wrap-Up Day 2