E-mail: al.trauth [at] gmail.com
Phone: +49 651 97900247
Alexander Trauth
member of staff
Humanities scholar with a master's degree in education whose primary role at the TCDH is the retro-digitization of encyclopedias and dictionaries.
Curriculum Vitae
2013: Bachelor of Arts degree in Education
Since 2013: Master of Arts degree in Educational Science at the University of Trier
Since 2013: research assistant for the digitization of the Middle Latin Dictionary at the TCDH
Committee work, research groups and memberships
Alexander Trauth: Von der Typographie zu inhaltlichem XML-Markup. Automatische Auszeichnungsverfahren am Beispiel des Mittellateinischen Wörterbuch. Vortrag im Rahmen der ITUG Jahrestagung „EDV in den Geisteswissenschaften. Verknüpfungen – Vernetzungen – Verbünde – Transfers“. Organized by the International TUSTEP User Group. Mainz, September 18, 2013.

Old High German Dictionary