Tagung: „1st Annual Conference of Computational Literary Studies“

Logo  Journal of Computational Literary Studies (JCLS)


01.06.2022 bis 02.06.2022


Die Konferenz findet in Darmstadt statt. Es ist auch möglich, online an der Konferenz teilzunehmen.

Die Anmeldung ist bis zum 15. Mai 2022 möglich.



The Journal of Computational Literary Studies (JCLS) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to all aspects of computational approaches to Literary Studies. JCLS responds to the increasing differentiation of subfields within the Digital Humanities, an ongoing process in which Computational Literary Studies has already gained considerable maturity and visibility. The journal provides a publishing platform for works on the development, application, and critique of computational approaches to Literary Studies. (For more information about the journal, see our Mission Statement.) JCLS provides two publication tracks: A conference + journal track in which publication in the journal is complemented by an annual conference where accepted articles are presented. The conference associated with the first issue of JCLS take place on June 1-3, 2022 at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.

Conference Programme

Wednesday | June 1, 2022

1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. | Session 1

  • Opening
  • Judith Brottrager*, Annina Stahl, Arda Arslan, Ulrik Brandes, Thomas Weitin: Modeling and Predicting Literary Reception – A Data-Rich Approach to Literary Historical Reception
  • Marijn Koolen, Julia Neugarten, Peter Boot*: ›This book makes me happy and sad and I love it‹ – A Rule-based Model for Extracting Reading Impact from English Book Reviews

2:45 p.m to 4:15 p.m. | Session 2

  • Leonard Konle*, Anton Ehrmanntraut, Thora Hagen, Fotis Jannidis, Simone Winko, Merten Kröncke: Modeling and Measuring Short Text Similarities – On the Multi-Dimensional Differences between German Poetry of Realism and Modernism
  • Chiara Palladino*, Farnoosh Shamsian, Tariq Yousef: Using Parallel Corpora to Evaluate Translations of Ancient Greek Literary Texts
  • Keli Du, Julia Dudar*, Christof Schöch: Evaluation of Measures of Distinctiveness – Classification of Literary Texts on the Basis of Distinctive Words

4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. | Session 3

  • Almas Abdibayev*, Daniel Rockmore, Yohei Igarashi, Allen Riddell: Limericks and Computational Poetics: The Minimal Pairs Framework – Computational Challenges for Poetic Analysis and Synthesis
  • Melanie Andresen, Benjamin Krautter, Janis Pagel, Nils Reiter*: Who Knows What in German Drama? A Composite Annotation Scheme for Knowledge Transfer – Annotation, Evaluation, and Analysis

7:00 p.m. | joint dinner

Thursday | June 2, 2022

9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. | Session 4

  • Anna Mareike Weimer*, Florian Barth, Tillmann Dönicke, Luisa Gödeke, Hanna Varachkina, Anke Holler, Caroline Sporleder, Benjamin Gittel: The (In-)Consistency of Literary Concepts – Formalising, Annotating and Detecting Literary Comment
  • Julian Schröter*, Keli Du: Validating Topic Modeling as a Method of Analyzing Sujet and Theme
  • Evelyn Gius*, Michael Vauth: Towards an Event Based Plot Model – A Computational Narratology Approach

11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. | Session 5

  • Heejoung Shin*, Ted Underwood: Using Word2Vec to Measure the Positive Sentiment Towards the Term “Queer” in Virginia Woolf
  • Yvonne Völkl*, Sanja Saric, Martina Scholger: Topic Modeling for the Identification of Gender-specific Knowledge – Virtues and Vices in French and Spanish 18th Century Periodicals
  • Closing discussion and farewell

Schlagworte: Text Mining, Dissemination und Community Building in den DH / Wissensaustausch