"Semantic Web and Linked Open Data: A hands-on workshop for beginners"
Workshop von Dr. Joëlle Weis
Freie Universität Brüssel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
13:00 – 16:45
Dr. Joëlle WeisWeitere Infos:
Ankündigung der Freien Universität BrüsselWikidata in the Linked Open Data Cloud. Databases indicated as circles (with wikidata labelled as ‘WD’), with grey lines linking databases in the network if their data is aligned. (Layout by graphopt algorithm by the igraph package in [R]. Data from https://lod-cloud.net/datasets
The focus lies on practical knowledge on data modeling and data retrieving for the humanities, topics highly relevant for collaborative processes of (digital) scholarship. Basic knowledge of the query language SPARQL will be taught so that participants will be able to perform queries in Wikidata.