Hybrider Workshop: Potentials and Limits of Stylometry for Early Modern Text in Romance Languages

Universität Trier, DM 343
09:00 – 13:00
Teilnahme via Zoom: https://uni-trier.zoom-x.de/j/63799858230?pwd=UTZ0VlZZdElxcWFtOEFueDB1V0gwZz09
(Meeting-ID: 637 9985 8230 Kenncode: 96Csv93q)
Dr. Joëlle WeisProgramm:
9:00-9:15: Simon Dagenais and Joëlle Weis (University of Trier) : Welcome word and short round of introductions
9:15-9:45: Simon Dagenais (University of Trier) OCR Problems and Stylometrical Analysis of the Pamphlets of the Pro-Maupeou Pamphlets
9:45-10:15: Antonina Martynenko (University of Tartu and University of Trier) : Stylometric analysis of the multi-authored Galerie Universelle (1787).
10:15-10:45: Matthew McDonald (University of Trier) TBA
10:45-11:00: Pause
11:00-11:45: Julia Röttgermann and Johanna Konstanciak (University of Trier) : Decoding Literary Signatures: Stylometric Insights into Authorship Attribution in 18th Century French Novels
11:45-12:15: Julian Csapo (University of Trier) : Diderot's Contributions to the Histoire des deux Indes: A stylometric analysis
12:15-12:45: Artjoms Šeja (Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences) : Towards the causal framework for stylometry