E-mail: s2mawulf [at] uni-trier.de
Phone: +49 651 201-3377
Fax: +49 651 201-3589
Room: DM 330
Office Hours: on demand
Marte Wulff
acadamic assistant
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2012 studies of English Philology and Philosophy (focus on Middle Ages and Renaissance), graduating with Master of Arts (Scottish B.A.) and Master of Research (M.Res.) at University of Glasgow (U.K.). Subsequently worked as a lecture, online editor and project manager in publishing and translation in the Netherlands. Since 2020, postgraduate studies in Master of Science "Digital Humanities" at the University of Trier. Meanwhile, research assistant at the professorship (Christof Schöch) in the project "Distant Reading for European Literary History" (COST Action CA16204) as well as "CLS Infrastructure". Since 2021 at TCDH (project "MiMoText") working in the fields of annotation of secondary literature and corpus construction of French novel literature.