E-mail: jens.bruchertseifer [at] uni-trier.de
Phone: +49 651 201-3215
Fax: +49 651 201-3589 (Sekretariat)
Room: H537/DM330
Office Hours: after appointment
Jens Bruchertseifer
member of academic staff
Curriculum Vitae
- B.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Computer Science (University of Trier)
- Research associate in the Human Brain Project (EU Horizon 2020, until 2023)
- Research assistant in the LODing project (from 2024)
Committee work, research groups and memberships
- Computer Science Student Council (until 2018)
- Faculty Council FB IV (2017-2019)
- Evaluation committee of the FB IV (2018-2019)
- Schumpeter Jury (until 2022)